Solar panels at Raaskal: the bright step toward sustainability

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Raaskal installed nearly 500 solar panels on the roofs of Industriestraat 42 and 57. But why? And what are the benefits to Raaskal?

Responsibility for the future

The decision to switch to solar energy stems from the pursuit of sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint. We believe it is our responsibility to take action and contribute to a cleaner and healthier planet for future generations.

Step by step

Solar panels represent only a part of our commitment to sustainability. Raaskal has also invested in other green initiatives, including the use of LED lighting in all production areas, heat recovery in machinery and optimizing insulation and cooling techniques. Finally, Raaskal sources products and ingredients as locally as possible to save as many miles as possible and increase local and social impact. This is how we look at health, community and environment.

Impact and benefits

Solar energy is used smartly, with devices turned on at sunrise whenever possible to make optimal use of the energy generated. Thanks to these and other efforts, we achieve a significant reduction of over 165,000 kg of CO2 emissions each year. This number will only increase in the future. Raaskal is therefore looking optimistically toward a greener future. Together with our zero foodwaste policy, this allows us to make a real impact.

Financial benefit

These efforts not only provide a benefit to the environment, but in the long run also reduce production costs at Raaskal. This allows Raaskal to continue to deliver the top quality that our customers have come to expect from us, and at the same time allows us to continue to offer competitive prices in an increasingly expensive landscape.


Sjoerd Henstra: “We want to contribute to a more sustainable environment not only with our products, but also with our production and make our products future-proof‘’.